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The welding process consists in joining materials or elements by locally heating them and then melting them at the place of joining with or without the addition of binder. The welding arc is a heat source and is created by the current generated by the welding power source.
Welding methods are divided into:
• methods of generating heat
• methods of subjecting additional material
TIG welding involves the use of heat generated only by the arc, which causes the arc-welded elements to fuse together. Before starting the welding process, the edges of the welded parts should be prepared so as to obtain a welding groove, e.g. V-shaped. Welding is most often done on metals such as aluminum, stainless steel and carbon steel. You can also weld plastics, while in this case the heat source is hot air or an electric resistor. The TIG method allows to obtain very nice welds, which is why it is used in the case of visible welds or requiring exceptional precision.
The welding arc is an electrical impulse that flows between the welding electrode and the workpiece. The process occurs when high voltage is generated or when the welding person hits the workpiece with an electrode.
The electric arc is the basis for arc welding and consists in joining the base material of the welded elements with the additional material, thus forming a weld. To obtain a durable and smooth weld, it is necessary to adjust the welding voltage and the speed of submitting the wire to the welded material and its properties.
Welding processes are subject to many detailed standards and the requirements for welding machines are included in the IEC 60974-1 standard.
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