We present you today with examples of store display items that our JARD Creative team is able to make for your special order. We are convinced that our elements will be a great addition to the decor of your sites! The elelements that you see in the pictures below are:

  • sculptures that were made by molding the right shape out of clay, then creating a silicone mold and the final acrylic plaster cast,
  • suspended elements that were made of cardboard covered with foil, cubes that were made of composite panels composed of several layers of aluminum and connected by a polyethylene core,
  • a spatial element in the shape of a diamond, which was created from a material called Dibond covered with mirror foil in Lapis Lazuli color,
  • landings that have been connected to the diamond-shaped spatial element with a steel structure.

If your company is interested in the decor elements we create, write to us at the address biuro@jardcreative.com